
Environment Sustainability Links
Resources and tools on ecology, environment and sustainability

01 - Architecture, Planning, Eco Design

02 - Building, Housing, Urban Development

03 - Renewable Energy, Alternative Technology


04 - Education, Research, Universities

05 - Accreditation, Awards, Validation

06 - Employment, Career, Volunteer Opportunities


07 - Business Ethics, Entrepreneurial

08 - Networks, Consortiums, Communities

09 - Living Models, Life Style, Vision, Utopia


10 - Eco-Tourism, Ecovillages, Eco Real Estate

11 - National Parks, Forests, Species, Waters, Wildlife

12 - Organic Farming, Permaculture, Biodynamics, Food


13 - Links, Resources, Databases, Directories

14 - News, Information, Magazines, Media

15 - Indigenous, Native, Aboriginal


16 - Foundations, Organisations, Societies, NGOs

17 - Government, Public Institutions, UN Agencies

18 - Justice, Environmental Law, Treaties


19 - Earth Changes, Greenhouse Emissions, Reporting

20 - Recycling, Waste, Toxic Materials, Pollution

21 - Space, Astrophysics, Mysterious Universe



01- Architecture, Planning, Eco Design
Masdar Sustainable City Abu Dhabi
AIA, Sustainable Design Assesment Team (SDAT) - USA
An Eye for Architectural Theory - Who Vitruvius Was? - YouTube
Architects and Sustainable Architecture - UK
Architectural green solar network - Germany
Architecture Web Resources - USA
ArchNet Islamic Architecture Community
ARCOSANTI a Prototype Arcology
Atlas of the Future - Sustainability Archives
Buckminster Fuller Institute Website
Buckminster Fuller Virtual Institute
CalEarth - Earth Art and Architecture
City Farmer Community Gardens and Urban Farms
Contemporary furniture design and sustainability in Canada
Creative Tools and Media for Spatial Design (Artifice, Inc.) - USA
Design of Light Space, Architecture of Silence - NL
Design outlaws The new Alchemists (John Todd)
Dismantling the cities - Cities taking the lead
Earthship Architecture - comfortable temperatures in any climate
Eco Architecture - Archoo Links
Eco-Design Links collected by Modern World Design
Eco-Design Reference - Independent Designers Network
EcoDesign Resource Society - Canada
ECODESIGN: The Ultimate Source Book - Inhabitat
Eco-Design Tools Downloads - Europe
Ecodesign Tools: tools for environmentally friendly product design
Ecological Engineering Ecological Wastewater Alternatives - USA
Ecological Sustainable Design in the Built Environment
Ecotecture Journal of Ecological Design
EcoTopia - A design strategy for the new millennium
Eden Project ... that celebrates life ...a sanctuary for all - UK
Environmental Design + Construction (EDC) - USA
Environmental Design Library UC Berkley - USA
Environmentally Responsible Design News
Fibonacci Numbers, the Golden section and the Golden String
Fibonacci Spirals Phi Formula Geometry
Free Life Cycle Assessment on the Internet - USA
Green Architecture Buildings, Archive, Archi News
Green Architecture Checklist - Residential Buildings
Green Cities: a Guide for Sustainable Community Development PDF
Green Cities of the Future, Principles and Facts - The New Ecologist
Green Design & Building - USA
Green Design, an Online Reference Tool (TreeHugger)
Green Design Sustainable Architecture Environmental Design Library
Greener Design Inhabitat (devoted to the future of design)
Greener by Design - Green Building
Green - Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design
Green Sustainable Environment Ecological Design in India
Holistic design for architects, builders and planners - New Zealand
Holistic View - Environment and Architecture
Index UK for architects and the construction industry (Abacus)
ING-bank Architecture (A. Alberts and M. van Huut)
International Ecological Engineering Society
Lizuna-house - Case Study - Japan
Nature-friendly Experimental House - New Zealand
Ocean Arks International (Dr. John Todd)
02 Global network for sustainable design
Palladio the Proportions of Rooms
Palladio's Italian Villas and Secrets
Permaculture Design Principles, Observation Natural Patterns
Pythagoras Music and Space
Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development
Resource for Urban Design Knowledge Sharing (RUDI)
Royal Institute of British Architects
Sun Angle - Calculations for Sustainable Design
Sustainable Architecture and Building Biology - Italy
Sustainable Architecture, Building and Culture - USA
Sustainable Architecture and Building Design (SABD)
Sustainable Architecture Directory
Sustainable Architecture - Eco Design and Landscaping
Sustainable Architecture, Planning (Broadway Architects) - Canada
Sustainable Architecture, Sustainable Buildings, Reuse... - USA
Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development (conference) - Jordan
Sustainable Community Design and Management - Canada
Sustainable Design Forum
Sustainable Design, Sustainable Innovation, Eco-innovation (CfSD)
Sustainable Green
Sustainable Green Building Designs
Sustainable Urban Design and Climate - Australia
Sustainable Urban Development - ASLA US
Synergy International - Global energy and environmental design
Ten of the Greenest Skyscrapers in the World
The Ahwahnee Principles - USA
The Architects' Chicago Declaration
The Centre for Sustainable Design
The EcoDesign Foundation - Sustainments Research and Education
The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation
The Hannover Principles ( PDF
The Journal of Sustainable Product Design
The 'Phi-Nest' Source to the golden section and divine proportion
The Universal Principles of Sustainable Development
The Urban Planning Portal (Cyburbia) - USA
Thoreau Center for Sustainability
Threshold 21 Green Economy Report (Millennium Institute)
Top ten Architecture Sites / Links
Vetruvian Man - The Beauty of Diagrams
Web Links Related to Islamic Architecture
World Architecture Community
Zero Emissions Middle East Tower
Other relevant topics and links
Environment and Sustainability Tools (Exchange Page)
Environment & Sustainability Search Engines (Search Page)
Links to Sustainable Projects of Interest (Projects Page)
Project related Links and Resources (Projects Page)

02 - Building, Housing, Urban Development
A Convenient Truth: Urban Solutions from Curitiba, Brazil
Agenda Construccio' Sostenible (in Spanish) Spain
A Global Overview of Renewable Energy Sources (AGORES)
Alternative Energy Information (Tom Elliots Example House) - USA
Association for Environmentally Conscious Building
Austin Green Building Program (Success Stories) - USA
Australian Building Greenhouse Rating
Autonomus & Sustainable Housing Alberta's Eco Home - Canada
Best Practices Database (UN-Habitat)
Best Practices & Local Leadership Programme (UN-Habitat)
Building Energy Efficiency Links - Hong Kong
Building Envelopes - Center for Climate and Energy Solutions Environmental Building Topics - USA
Building Materials, Construction Tools and Products - USA
Building Today for Tomorrow Green Home Building - USA
Center for Construction & Environment (Powell) - USA
Cool Roofing Materials Data Base - USA
Danish Building Reasearch Institute - Denmark
Dismantling the cities - Cities taking the lead
Earth Building Links - NZ and International
Earthfuture The Solutions Project - Canada
Earth House Info. on Earth Sheltered Homes & Materials - USA
Earthship Biotecture Sustainable Housing - USA
Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood Eco-homes - New Zealand
Energy Crossroads: Resources - USA
Energy and Environmental Issues in the Building Sector - Canada
Environmental Design + Construction (EDC) - USA
Environmental Studies Center (Brown University) - USA
Environmental Tips - Eco Tips - Eco-Friendly Living Guide
EUROCITIES - the network of major European cities
European Cities & Regions Networking for New Transport Solutions
European Network for Housing Research Conference 2016
ForestWorld The Sustainable Forest Products Resource - USA
Global Village The Institute for Appropriate Technology
Green Building Alliance Smart Solutions for Built Environment - USA
Green Building Concepts Tools to build ... Efficient Lifestyle - USA
Green Building Council of Australia
Green Building Council - Canada
Green Building Council - New Zealand
Green Building Council - UK
Green Building Council - USA
Green Buildings - Smart Communities Network
Green Building - Web Guide - People in Action
High-tech Domes City in India - New Oroville
Institute for Environmental Living (Apeiron Institute) - USA
International Initiative for Sustainable Built Environment
Life Cycle Assessment on the Internet - USA
Life Cycle Assessment (SimaPro) - Netherlands
Livable Cities for the 21st Century (The Priorities Institute) - USA
Natural Building Resources - Strawbale Central
Nature-friendly Experimental House - New Zealand
Northwest EcoBuilding Guild - USA
Oikos Green Building Source, Green Building Materials
Rammed Earth Construction - New Zealand
Rammed Earth Solar Homes - USA
Seabird Sustainable Community Project (Broadway Arch.) - Canada
Sustainable Building Raises in Italy
Sustainable Building Sourcebook
Sustainable Building Sources
Sustainable construction CIB projects - Finland
Sustainable Development (Sumerset Trust) - UK
Sustainable Development The World Wide Virtual Library
Sustainable Homes Promoting Sustainable Action in Housing - UK
Sustainable Building Sources and Links
Sustainable Urban Housing in China Resources (MIT)
Technical Components Guide to the BioHome
The Duckpond Building our own Mudbrick Home - Australia
The Energy & Environmental Building Alliance - USA
The International Urban Development Association
The New Earthbuilding Foundation
The Twin Cities Green Guide COMMUNITY Eco-Villages - USA
Urban Ecology Australia
Urban Environmental Management LINKS
West Stevenage New Urban Villages - UK
Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) - USA
World Green Building Council

03 - Renewable Energy, Alternative Technology
Open Sourcing Free Energy Technology
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology - Japan
Alliance to Save Energy - Promoting Energy Efficiency World Wide
Alternative Energy Technology - Leading Edge Internat. Research
Alternative Fuels Directory Energy Planet
Alternative Fuel Solutions Directory
Alternative Fuel Vehicles in the Yahoo Directory
Alternative Technology Web Guide - People in Action
American Wind Energy Association
Association of Power Producers of Ontario - Canada
Australian Electric Vehicle Association
Austrian Energy Agency (EVA)
Biodiesel from Vegetable Oil
Bioenergy Australia News and Events
Bioenergy Australia Organisation
Bioenergy Information Network
Boron A Better Energy Carrier than Hydrogen
British Photovoltaic Association - UK
British Wind Energy Association (BWEA)
CADDET Links Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy - International
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Center for Resource Solutions - USA
Centre for Alternative Technology - Europe
Centre for Photovoltaic Enginneering (UNSW) - Australia
CleanEnergy (in German) - Germany
Clean Technology Centre - Ireland
Danish Wind Industry Association
Department of Energy Utilities and Sustainability (NSW) - Australia
Delivering a Sustainable Future Carbon Descent - UK
Discover Solar Energy Links - USA
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (CADDET)
Energy and Environment Portal - India
Energy Environment and Sustainable Development - Europe
Energy Web Directory California
Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Environmental Energy Technologies Division - USA
Environmental Engineering Technology Colleges
Ethanol in India - Information and Useful Links
European Association for Renewable Energies (Eurosolar)
European Biomass Industry Association
European Green Electricity Forum
European Renewable Energy Centres Agency (EUREC)
European Solar Thermal Industry (ESTIF)
EUROSOLAR The European Association for Renewable Energies
France requires new buildings to have green roofs or solar panels (inhabitat)
Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme (ISE) - Germany
Free Energy News (Open Source Network)
Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association - USA
FUEL CELLS Online Information Resource
Global Environment & Technology Foundation
Global Overview of Renewable Energy Sources (AGORES) - Europe
Green Energy (National Energy Foundation) - UK
Green-e Renewable Electricity Certification Program - USA
Green Innovations - Australia
Green Power Steering Group - Australia
Home Power Magazine Hands-on Renewable Energy Source
Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development - UK
Integrity Research Institute
International Energy Agency (IEA)
International Institute for Energy Conservation
International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE)
International Solar Center, Berlin - Germany
International Solar Energy Society (ISES)
Leading the Transition to Clean Energy (Fresh Energy) - USA
managEnergy - ...intelligent use of energy in EU Member States
Midwest Renewable Energy Association - USA
National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) - USA
National Energy Foundation Sustainable Energy Solutions - UK
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - USA
New Energy Technologies (Faraday Lab) - Russia
Non Conventional Power Sources Map - India
Northeast Sustainable Energy Association - USA
NW Energy Coalition - USA
Photovoltaic Power Systems in the Built Environment
Regional Institute of Environmental Technology (RIET) - Asia
Renewable Energy Information Network (REIN) - Bangladesh
Renewable Energy Links and Resources (ibiblio)
Renewable Energy Links and Resources (Ecomall)
Renewable Energy Nordic Folkecenter - Danemark
Renewable Energy Organizations
Renewable Energy Towards Sustainability - UK
Renewable Energy Vermont - USA
Renewable Energy World News, Jobs, Events - UK / USA
Renewable Resource Data Center (RReDC) - USA
RENEW Visconsin for Sustainable Future - USA
Sharing Sustainable Solutions - Netherlands
Solar Cooking Resources on the Web
Solar Electric Power Association - USA
Solar Energy International
Solar Energy Society (ISES) - UK
Solar Energy Systems Information
Solar Household Energy (non profit org)
Solar Powered Cars and Alternative Energy - AboutMyPlanet
Solar Radiation Map - Australia
Solar Radiation Resource Information - USA
Solar / Wind and Renewable Energy Products
Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) - USA
Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI)
Swedish Environmental Technology Network
Technology & Sustainable Development (TSD) - Emerging Countries
The Altener Programme development of renewable energy - Europe
The American Solar Energy Society (ASES)
The Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy
The International Photovoltaic Magazine (PHOTON)
The International Solar Energy Society (ISES)
The Sustainable Energy Coalition - USA
Towards sustainability - Renewable Energy Information
World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE)
World Renewable Energy Congress / Network (WREN)
Other relevant topics and links
Renewable Energy, New Technologies Forums (Forum Page)

04 - Education, Research , Universities
Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics
Boundary Institute nonprofit scientific research organization - USA
Centre for Air Transport and the Environment (MMU) - UK
Center for Environmental Citizenship - Green Campus - USA
 Center for Ecological and Environmental Studies (Akamai University)
Centre for Economic & Social Studies on the Environment - Belgium
Centre for Development and Environment Berne - Switzerland
Centre for Human Ecology - Scotland
Centre for Research and Education for Sustainability (ANU) - Australia
Center for Sustainable Systems (CSS) - USA
Centre for the Built Environment - UK
Centre of Urban Planning & Environmental Management - HK
Community Research and Development Information Service - EU
Context Institute a nonprofit research organization
CSIRO Australia - Scientific and Industrial Research
Earth A Graphic Look At The State of the Planet
EarthTrends: The Environmental Information Portal
Ecological Design Collaborative - California
Ecosa Institute - Sustainable, ecological, regenerative design - USA
Eco-Schools Programme - UK
Education for Sustainable Development Tool Kit
Education for Sustainability (Second Nature)
Education for Sustainability Environmental Programs (NCSE) - USA
Education World® Educators Best Friend - Finacial Aid for Students of the Environment
Environmental Education Directory of New Zealand
Environmental Education Exchange
Environmental Education Station
Environmental Practice at Work Environmental eLearning - UK
Environmental Programs (Melbourne University) - Australia
Environmental Science Online Courses (WorldWideLearn)
Environmental Technology Centre (Murdoch University) - Australia
Environment Research Projects - CSIRO - Australia
Environment and Sustainable Development (UN University)
European Educational Forum (EEF)
Evergreen, bringing nature to our cities - Canada
Facing the Future - People and the Planet
Faculty of the Built Environment (The University of NSW) - Australia
Findhorn Foundation College - inner growth & outer action
Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Institute - Germany
Future Australia environment and community education directory
GIANT Global Information Access Net
Global Sustainability @ RMIT - Australia
Global Terrestrial Observing System Data Access (GTOS)
Green Alliance Thinking, Talking, Acting on Environment - UK
Green Campus Sustainable Development - Hong Kong
Green Campus University of Copenhagen
Green Campus Virtual Resource Center - USA
Green Teacher Education for Planet Earth
Harvard University Center for the Environment
Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS)
Institute for Applied Ecology (Öko-Institut e.V.) - Germany
Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development - UK
Institute of Environmental Studies - Australia
Institute for Environmental Studies (KNAW) - Nederlands
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) - Japan
Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR)
Institute of Noetic Sciences - USA
Institute of Social and Ethical AccountAbility - UK
Integrated Building Technology Teaching - Hong Kong
International Eco-Schools
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
International Society for Environmental Ethics
International Student Org. for Sustainable Economics and Manag.
International Student Travel Confederation
Knowledge for a Compassionate and Sustainable Future
Leading Edge International Research Group
Learning to Create a Sustainable World - PI Projects International
Life Cycle Engineering at IKP (University of Stuttgart) - Germany
Life Cycle Engineering Software and Database
Linkages - International Institute for Sustainable Development
Living Routes, offers accredited college programs - USA/International
Minnesota Sustainable Design Guide
Monash Sustainability Institute - Australia
National Centre for Environmental Design at RMIT - Australia
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) - Japan
Natural Resources Institute - Canada
National Wildlife Federation - Environmental Education - USA
Nature connected biophilia activities, courses and degrees
Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability
New College of California for a Just, Sacred and Sustainable World
New Earth Foundation, grants to projects that... - USA
Norwegian Centre for International Coop. in Higher Education (SIU)
Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment & Security
Peruvian Eco-Sustainable Research & Understanding
Presidio World College - MBA in Sustainable Management
Projects & Activities Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry - India
Projects International - Learning to Create a Sustainable World
Regional Institute of Environmental Technology (REIT) - Asia
Research Institute for Sustainable Energy (RISE) - Australia
Research-It! - Your one-stop reference desk
Rocky Mountain Institute an entrepreneurial nonprofit organization
Sai's Health Centres - Institute of Higher Medical Sciences
Sathya Sai Education in Human Values - UK
Schools for a Sustainable Future (Eco Recycle Victoria) - Australia
Schoolzone - the school support site - UK
Schumacher College International Centre for Ecological Studies - UK
Selected Internet resources covering all academic subject areas
SRISTI (...sustainable technologies and institutions) - India
Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) - USA and Canada
Students for Environmental Action - Zimbabwe
Students Partnerships Worldwide (SPW)
Sustainability and Environmental Management (UWA) - Australia
Sustainability Information (UNSW Built Environment) - Australia
Sustainability Institute understanding ...unsustainable behavior
Sustainable Economic and Educational Developement - India
Sustainable Ecosystems Institute
Sustainable Universities Initiative - USA
Teachers Internet Links - Solar Matters
Tellus Institute - non-profit, environmental research and consulting
The Buckminster Fuller Institute
The Centre for Biodiversity and Bioresources - Australia
The E.F Schumacher Society and Library on The Net
The Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)
The Energy Research Institute (TERI) > energy, environment - India
The Environmental Education Directory
The Environmental Study Center - Cyprus
The Erice Statement - World Federation of Scientists
The Graduate Programme in Enviro. Leadership (THIERRY) - Belgium
The Natural Step Environmental Institute - Australia
Think Green - Act Green! Longwood University - USA PDF
Tools of Change - Outils de changement - Canada
Treshold 21 Integrated Planning Tools (Millennium Institute)
Union of Concerned Scientists
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations University
Universities and Colleges all over the World
University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF)
University Network Sustainable Architecture
Water Sacrality & Lore Wells, Springs, Pools, Lakes - Mything Links
World Future Society Creating Global Strategies.......
Worldwide Universities Network (WUN)
Worldwide University Index
Wuppertal Institute > Climate, Environment, Energy - Germany
Other relevant topics and links
Environment and Sustainability Tools (Exchange Page)
Environment & Sustainability Search Engines (Search Page)

05 - Accreditation, Awards, Validation
History of ISO 9001 Standards -- the world's standard
Banksia Environmental Awards - Australia
Best Practices Database (UN-Habitat)
Canada Awards for Excellence (National Quality Institute)
Certification & rating of tourism offers sustainability
Competitive and Sustainable Growth > Open Call CORDIS - Europe
Dubai International Award for Best Practices (UN-Habitat)
Eco-Ethics International Union (EEIU)
Environmental Awards - United Nations Environment Programme
Environment Awards Links - UK
European Awards Environment
European Awards for the Environment
European Business Awards for the Environment
European co-operation for Accreditation
European Green Capital, Green cities fit for life
Green Awards Oceans
Green Awards RSA Accreditation - UK
Green Awards for Seagoing Vessels
GREEN GLOBE Premier Global Certification for Sustainability
Green Power National Accreditation - Australia
Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction Awards
Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA) - UK
LEED Certification U.S. Green Building Council
Livcom Awards - The Environmentally Sustainable Project Awards
National Architectural Accrediting Board - USA
Nature and Ecotourism Accreditation Program - Australia
Nobel e-Museum (Nobel Prizes) - Sweden
Nuclear-Free Future Award - International
National Accreditation Board (ANAB) - USA
RABQSA International, Recognising Personell Competence
Sustainable Development Solutions Network
The Nobel Prize Internet Archive
Tourism Council Tasmania Accreditation - Australia

06 - Employment, Career, Volunteer Opportunities
The Air Car Engine Coming
Australia's wage, salary and jobs centre -
Career Development & Employment Centre (CDEC)
Conservation Volunteers Australia
Cyber-Sierra's Natural Resources Job Search - International Jobs
Earth Science Jobs - International
EARTHWORKS worldwide career and employment opportunities
ECOVOLUNTEER > is all about linking opportunities
ENDS Environmental JobSearch and Training Courses - UK
Environmental Careers Organization - USA
Environmental Career Center - USA
Environmental Council Jobs - Juju Job Search
Environmental Data Interactive Exchange-environmental job centre
Environmental Jobs in Environmental Career Opportunities
Exchange work for food and accommodation -
General - Australian Job Search
General - Byron Employment Australia
General - CareerOne - Australia and International
General - - Work all over the world
General - Job Search Engines (International)
General - JobSpin Job Search - USA
General - My Career - Australia
General - Overseas Employment Worldwide
General - Overseas Jobs - International
General - Seek Jobs - Australia
General - US Salary Calculator
Global Volunteer Network - New Zealand
Green Engineering Jobs - International
Green Energy Jobs - recruitment for the renewable energy industry
Green Jobs - Sustainable Business Action Without Borders
Institute for International Cooperation & Devel. Volunteer Abroad
International Volunteer Work - Travel Abroad
Involvement Volunteers - International Net.. Community Service
Jobs in National Parks, Reserves & Wilderness Areas - USA
Job Openings at WRI - USA
Natural Resource Management > jobs by email - Australia
Naturejobs - making science work
Peace Corps Volunteer Overseas in the Environment
Environmental Jobs and Careers - USA and Canada
Summer Jobs & Winter Jobs in Great Places at Cool Works - USA
The International WWOOF Association
The Student Conservation Association - USA
Volunteer Helping Abroad, International Volunteer Organization
Volunteering for Environment and Sustainability (Planet Volunteer)
Volunteerism Jobs Area - Australia
Volunteer Overseas with United Planet
Volunteer Vacations Abroad in Latin America
Volunteer Work: Volunteer Abroad Programs
Willing Workers On Organic Farms (NZ)

07 - Business Ethics, Entreprenurial
World Leaders Forum Dubai
Asian Development Bank
Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics ANZSEE
Australian Ethical Investment
Business Council of Australia (BCA) - Australia
Business Ethics Corporate Responsibility & Social Investing
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)
Business and Sustainable Development (BSD) - A Global Guide
Business and Sustainable Development - Solutions for Business
Business to Business, Opportunities
Centre for Sustainability and Environmental Management - UK
Centre for Sustainable Development - Bangladesh
Ecobusiness Group - Australia
EcoBusinessLinks, Environmental Directory
EcoSystems Renewable Energy Stocks
Egyptian Initiative, Model in Sustainable Living (SEKEM)
Environmental Corporate Strategies - Japan
Environmental Expert - Environmental Business Information
Environment and World Bank
 Environmental Management Accounting
Ethical Business Links - Better World
Ethical Business Network - Australia
Ethical business the search for research an Eldis guide
Ethical Investment Internet Resources
Ethical Links Database
Ethical Trading Initiative
Find Venture Capital and Partners for your Green Business
Global Ethics - Institute for Global Ethics
GreenMoney Free Online Library
Holistic Management International
IISD - Trade and Sustainable Development
International Business Ethics Institute - Links
International chamber of commerce the world business organization
Investors and Environmentalists for Sustainable Prosperity (CERES)
Renewable Energy Businesses in the World
Responsible Business - YERB's Links
Rocky Mountain Institute - Driving the Efficient use of Resources
Social Entrepreneurship Foundation - Canada
St James Ethics Centre - immagine more ethical world - Australia
Sustainable Business Network - New Zealand
Sustainable Business - The Center for Environment and Business
Sustainable Enterprises - For the Earth and its Inhabitants
Sustainable Value - UK
Sustainable Management in Action - Switzerland
The World Bank Group
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Other relevant topics and links
Ethical Finance and Investments (Projects Page)
Project related Links and Resources (Projects Page)
Project related Opportunities (Projects Page)
Offers, Requests, Opportunities, Inventions (Exchange Page)

08 - Networks, Consortiums, Communities
Indigenous Environmental Network and Global Warming
Built Environment Network
Citizens Network for Sustainable Development (CitNet) - USA
Community - Eco-Living Resource Database
Edge-Ucation, Right Livelihood, Deep Ecology (HAVEN)
Environmental Network - Care2 Environment Supersite
Ethical Business Network - Australia
Eurocities The Network of Major European Cities
European Partners for the Environment (EPE)
5th World - Cultural and Environmental Media Production Network
Findhorn Foundation Online Community
Global Accords Consortium (MIT)
Global Ecovillage Network Oceania & Asia
Global Islands Network (GIN)
Green Alliance - thinking talking acting on the environment - UK
Greening of Industry Network - International
Green Map System - International
Green Net > networking for the environment ... - UK
Healthy Building Network
International Network for Environmental Management (INEM)
Like-minded Networks - NCN Connections
Living Planet Network - Ecocity
London 21 Sustainability Network Facebook
Mobility services for urban sustainability (moses) - Europe
Networld-Project - Green Networld - USA
New Civilization Network
NextStep - Minnesota Sustainable Communities Network
River Network, Connecting People, Saving Rivers - USA
Smart Communities Network - USA
Smart Growth Online - USA
Social Venture Network Europe
Sustainability Web Ring
Sustainable Communities and EcoVillages Links
Sustainable Communities Network
Sustainable Development Networking Programme (Eldis/UNDP)
Sustainable Energy & Economy Network (SEEN)
The Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)
The Earth Charter Sustainable Development
The Gaia Trust Network
The Global Friends Network
The Natural Step International Network
The Twin Cities Green Guide Buy Local Minnesota - USA
The Women's Network for a Sustainable Future
Youth action for a Sustainable Future (UNU)
ZERI Global Network

09 - Living Models, Life Style, Vision, Utopia
Sustainable Development, is this the way to go?
Anastasia Ecovillage - A New Anastasia Village in the Netherlands
Anastasia Ecovillage - A Ringing Cedars Eco Village in Italy
Anastasia Ecovillage - From Russia with Love
Applying Sustainable Development
ARCOSANTI a Prototype Arcology
Aurora Project - Ecovillages - Brasil
Auroville - International Experimental Township
Auroville International Township
Celestopea: Gateway to a Sustainable Future
Center for Respect of Life and Environment
CERES - Community Environmental Park - Australia
Communities Directory FIC Directory Online - USA
Crystal Waters Ecovillage YouTube - Australia
DAMANHUR Federation of Damanhur - Italy/International
Eartheasy - Simple, Sustainable Living
Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood Eco-homes New Zealand
Earthwalk Sustainable Living Centre - Canada
EcoIQ Magazine Features, Opinion, News, Resources, Reviews
Eco-Village and Cohousing Assoc of New Zealand (EVCNZ)
EcoVillage at Ithaca - USA
Edge-Ucation, Right Livelihood, Deep Ecology - H A V E N
Findhorn Foundation Eco-Village
Flower of Life Research, LLC
Global Ecovillage Network, Ecovillage Resources
Global Ecovillage & Sustainable Community Network
Institute for Planetary Renewal
Intentional Communities Website - International
Intentional Communities - Yahoo! Directory
Living and Raw Foods - living and raw food information
Living With Nature - IndianOrganic.Com
Los Angeles Eco-Village
Mahatma Gandhi - His life, work and philosophy
Meadowdance, an egalitarian child centered community - USA
Natural Bridges EcoVillage, a planned sustainable community - USA
Sai Medical Institutions - Institute of Higher Medical Sciences
Sathya Sai Education in Human Values - UK
Sirius Community - Ecological Living
Sustainable Culture: Evolution of Humanity - USA
Sustainable Living, Communities, Economy, and Agriculture
Sustainability indicators for Sunnybank, Brisbane - Australia
The Rainforest's Doctrine - Santo Daime - Brazil
Utopia Links and Resources
UTOPIA ON THE INTERNET - Philosophy for a better world
Vegan Eco-Village Community In Hawai'i
World Transformation

10 - Eco-Tourism, Ecovillages, Eco Real Estate
Life in Eco-village, in Russia
Aboriginal Australia > Tourism Australia
Aboriginal Australia > Alice Springs Culture Centre
Adventure Travel & World Travel (iExplore)
All World Vacation Station
Alternative/Sustainable tourism - Haiti and Dominican Republic
Amazon Interactive, explore... geography of the Ecuadorian Amazon
Auroville, a universal city in the making - India
Australian Eco Adventures
Daintree Eco Lodge - Tropical North - Australia
Daintree Rainforest - World Heritage Listed
Discover Amazonia - Amazon Rain Forest - Brazil, Ecuador and Peru
Eco Adventures in the Himalaya, Indochina & Borneo!
Ecotourism Association of Australia
Eco Tourism in India
Eco Tourism in India, Eco Tourism Guide, Nature Friendly Tourism
Eco-Tourism, Non-Profit Information
Ecotourism Resource Centre (Big Volcano) - Australia
Ecotours-accomodations-Homestays (EarthFoot small-scale)
Ecotours New Zealand - ecotourism, conservation, nature.. activities
Eco Travels in South America -
Eco-Village, and Cohousing Assoc of New Zealand
Ecovillage Findhorn, new Frontiers for Sustainability
Ecovillage Directory List of Ecovillages
Eco Villages India, Eco Villages Bangalore, Eco Village in Mysore
EcoVitality - Using Ecotourism to Fund Conservation & SusDev
Global Ecovillage Network
Green Hotels Association
Green Map System
Hopi & Navajo Indian Adventure Weekends - USA
Intentional Communities, Ecovillages, communes, coops, cohousing
Los Angeles Eco-Village
Machu Pichu Virtual Tour - Peru
National Geographic Sustainable Destinations Resource Center
Planeta Global Journal of Practical Ecotourism
Pyramids in Mexico - Teotihuacan
Responsible Travel, Eco tours adventure vacations (BAOBAB)
Sacred Journeys in the Ecuadorian Andes and Amazon
Sustainable Sources - Sustainably-Built Home Classifieds
Sustaintable Tourism Gourmet Safari culinary vacations are kind...
Sustainable Tourism links and information
Sustainable Travel International
THE ASCENDING PATH - Climbing and Expedition Guide
The EcoGateway Link Center
The International Ecotourism Society (
Tjapukai Aboriginal Culture Park, Cairns - Australia
Tools for managing sustainable tourism - Australia
Utopian EcoVillage Network in Ecuador
Voyages Resorts and Hotels - Australia

11 - National Parks, Forests, Species, Waters, Wildlife
Thailand National Parks & Buddhist Temples
Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition
Arctic Circle of the Circumpolar North
Australian National Bottanic Gardens
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Australian Seabird Rescue
Biology and Management of the World's Ungulates - DeerNet
BioPark - International Foundation
BirdLife International Data Zone
Butterfly World - USA
Conservation International
Conservation Volunteering in India - UK
Conservation Volunteers - Australia
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (UNEP)
Darwin Initiative Promoting biodiversity conservation and .. - UK
Defence of Place - seeking to protect land ...donated in perpetuity
Eco Companion Australasia Editors choices mostly Water Links
Ecotrust Building Salmon Nation - USA
Endangered Species of the Next Millennium - ES2000
Endangered Species, 15 Rarest & Critically Endangered Animals on Earth
Endangered Species, 20 (More) Strange and Exotic Speacies
Endangered Species Resources on the 'Net - Links
Endangered Wildlife Initiatives - Earth Trust
European Centre for biodiversity and sustainable development
Forest Certification Watch > your one-stop information source
Forest Conservation Portal - Rainforest, Forest and Biodiversity...
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
Friends of the Earth Links
Global Response - Environmental Action and Education Network
Global Water Management Les Biefs du Pilat - France
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park - Australia
Growing Planet "Replenishing the earth one tree at a time"
Handpumps and water well drilling training for safe drinking water
Indian National Parks, National Parks in India
International Forestry Resources and Institutions
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
Izaak Walton League of America - USA
Legacy - The Landscape Connection (TLC)
Maanaki Whenua Landcare Research - New Zealand
Maputaland's Tembe Elephant National Park - South Africa
National Geographic Wild World (Online Conservation Atlas)
National Parks in India Map
National Parks Worldwide - Directory by continents-countries
Nature conservation adviser to UK Government (JNCC)
Nature Conservation Council of NSW - Australia
Nornet Environment, The World Online - Australia
Ocean Data Portal (UNESCO)
Oceans Alive, Celebration our Marine Biodiversity... - Australia
Parks of the World "The World is a Park with Countries in It"
Protected Marine Species - Australia
Rainforest Action Network Information Center
Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN)
Resources - Wildlife videos, images, sounds - UK
Roundtable on Sustainable Forests - USA
Sable Island Green Horse Society - Canada
SeaWeb Raising Awareness of the Living Oceans
South African Environmental Webpages
Sustainable forest management in indigenous beech forest - NZ
Sustainable Forest Management Network - Canada
Sydney Water Website - Australia
The Earth Charter Initiative (Unesco)
The Fragile Tropics of Latin America
The Last Noa's Ark, Environmental Program - Brasil
The National Museum of Natural History - Smithsonian Institution
The Rainforest Alliance, Innovative Sollutions for Global Conserv...
The Rainforest Site Help Save Our Rainforests!
The Wilderness Society - Australia
The World Conservation Union (IUCN)
Trial and Wilderness Links - Hiking > Peak to Peak
Vegetation Map Checklist
Water Environment, Recennt & Ongoing Projects
Water Sacrality & Lore Wells, Springs, Pools, Lakes - Mything Links
Waterwatch Victoria - Australia
Western Australian Mangrove Page
Western Cape Nature Conservation - South Africa
Whales and Dolphins - The Oceania Project
Whales on the Net - Australia
Whales on the Net - WWW Links
Whale Watch Kaikoura - New Zealand
Wilderness Links (The University of Montana) - USA
Wildlife Sites - Electronic Zoo - NetVet Veterinary Resources
World Biodiversity Database (ETI BioInformatics)
World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP WCMC)
World National Parks by Continent/Country
World Rainforest Information Portal (Eldis)
World's Rarest Mammals (Animal Info)

12 - Organic Farming, Permaculture, Biodynamics, Food
Nature was my Teacher - Viktor Schauberger
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center - USA
Avant-Gardening-Growing Creativity - Creative Organic Gardening
Biodynamic Agriculture Australia
Biodynamic Planting Calendar - India
Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA)
California Center for Land Recycling
CERES Urban Farming Eco-Village Melbourne - Australia
City Farmer's Urban Agriculture Notes - Canada
Community Alliance with Family Farmers
Compost Guide Tips for Home Composting - USA
Compost! Master Composter Home Composting
Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) - USA
Dutch Oven Cooking Recepies
Earth Garden Magazine - Australia
EcoLandTech - Reference Desk and Resources
Foodshare>Working with communities to improve access...- Canada
Future Harvest - Australia
Gardening by the Phases of the Moon
InterGarden Resources
International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)
Living with Nature -
Maanaki Whenua Landcare Research - New Zealand
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition - USA
Nursery & Garden Industry Australia NIASA Best Practice Gudelines
Organic Federation of Australia - organic food, farming...
Organic Growers of Australia
Organic Trade Association - USA
Organic Tuscany - Italy
Organic Volunteers wwoof program - USA
Permaculture Gardens Permaculture Related Links (La'akea Gardens)
Permaculture The Earth Forums
Permaculture The Earth Links
Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)
Roundtable on Sustainable Forests - USA
Rural Development Program (MYRADA) - India
Native Plants Society - Australia
Western Sustainability Exchange - USA
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program UC - USA
Sustainable Farming Connection
The Palestinian Permaculture Pointers
The National Association for Sustainable Agriculture - Australia
The Rural Advancement Foundation International - USA
The World Wide Guide to Farmers' Markets
True Food Network - Greenpeace Australia
True Foods Network: How To Find Non-GMO Foods
Vegetarian Recepies for Animal Friendly, Ethical Cooking...
Vegetarian Recepies Search, Vegetarian Times
VegiVentures - Useful Links
Wise Traditions in Food, Farming ... Health - Weston A. Price Found.
World Sustainable Agriculture Association

13 - Links, Resources, Databases, Directories
Dolphins Play Bubble Ring
Africa Environment and Conservation on the Internet Links
Australasian Virtual Engineering Library (AVEL)
Best Environmental Directories
Best Practices Database (UN-Habitat)
Biodiversity Resources (Eldis)
CADDET Links Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy - International
Department of the Environment and Heritage - Australia
Directories of Environmental Science Journals
Directory of Development Organizations
Earth Day Events Worldwide
Earth Portals, Exploring New Metaphors of Consciousness - Links
EcoBusinessLinks, Green Products & Resources Directory
EcoFuture (TM) Guide to Related Organizations and Projects
Eco-Home environmental and ecological links - NZ
EcoLinks Sustainable Education (
Ecoportal Canada - Environmental Directories, Portals & Networks
ECOTOPIA Links and Resources
Ecovillage Resources (Global Ecovillage Network)
Embassy, Consulate Directory Addresses & Websites Worldwide
Encyclopedia (
Encyclopedia and Reference Resource (AllRefer Reference)
EnviroLink Environmental Resources
Environmental Agencies and Organizations (CGRER)
Environmental Links, link exchange
Environmental Links (Mike Vandeman)
Environmental Organization WebDirectory!
Environmental Resources (Yellow Pages)
Environmental Websites Directory (Earthdirectory)
Environment Directory Agriculture Natural Disaster Water Resources
Environment Directory Waste Management Water Resources Wildlife
Environment in Latin America - Links and Resources (LANIC)
Environment and Natural Resources Links - New Zealand
Environment & Society Internet Resource Guide
Environment Web Links
European Environment Agency
1st SPOT Environment - Organizations, Pollution, Recycling...
Future Australia environment and community education directory
Global Stewards - Sustainable Living and Environmental Activism
Green Eco Tips for a Healthy Planet
Green NetWorld, for mindful living resources
Green Pages - The Global Directory for Environmental Technology
Guide to Environmental Literature (NHBS)
Hazardous Substance Release and Health Effects Database (ATSDR)
ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability
Information Center for the Environment (ICE) - USA
InterEnvironment - World Directory of Environmental Organizations
International Environmental Journals (Earth Scan)
Leading Edge International Research Group - Links
Like-minded Networks - NCN Connections
Link Center - Eco IQ EcoGateway
Links to ISO 14000 Resources
Links to Other Organizations, Bank Information Center - USA
List of Environmental Organizations
Love That Planet - ABC Australia
Mega Resource Directories (ECO-PROS Ecology Protectors Society)
New Civilization Network
New Civilization Resources
Occupational Environmental Health Foundation - USA
Open Window to Africa (General Resources and Links)
PlanetFriendly Ecoportal - Canada
Portal to environmental, sustainability & community resources...
Seafriends links to other sites and search - New Zealand
Search the OUTDOORS Links
Share Guide - Environmental Sites
Sierra Club Stop Sprawl Links
Sustainable development, best starting points
Sustainable Development Directories SD Gateway
Sustainable Development, Environment and Ecology- Canada
Sustainable Niagara Intiative
Sustainable Sources and Links. . Welcome
Sustainable Wales Blog
The Directory of Environmental Websites
The Environment Links
The Green Directory - Australia
The Green Pages Environmental Information Portal - Canada
The Philippine Sustainable Development Network
The World Wide Web Virtual Library Sustainable Development
Trade and Environment Database - USA
Urban Environmental Management - Virtual Library
World Environmental Web Sites

14 - News, Information, Magazines, Media
Planet 100 - Green TV News Environment - Top News
All The World's Newspapers, News Media, and News Sources
All The World's Newspapers
AlterNet - Independent News & Information
An Ecological Source of Information (
ASEAN Review of Biodiversity & Environmental Conservation (Eldis/ARBEC)
BBC - Science & Nature
BBC News World Service
Britannica Online - Encyclopedia
Caring for the Next Generation (Dr
Center for International Earth Science Info. Network (CIESIN)
CNN World News
Combustion in the RainForest: Ecology, Energy and Economy...
Communication Interventions for Sustainable Development
Conscious Choice, The Journal of Ecology & Natural Living
Directories of Environmental Science Journals
Earthbeat Radio National - Australia
Earth Island Institute Innovative Action for the Environment
EarthLight Magazine, Journal for Ecological and Spiritual Living
Eco-Briefs: Green and sustainability news from around Intown
Ecological Indicators Journal (Elsevier)
Ecological Source of Information (
Ecology and Society Journal
Eco Media - Australian Environmental News
Econews Africa ( TakingIT Global)
Ecotecture - The Online Journal of Ecological Design
EcoWorld - The Global Environmental Community
Eldis - Gateway to Development Information
Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)
Encyclopedia of Sustainable Development
ENDS Environment Daily, Europe's environmental news service
Environmental Data Services specialising in environmental news
Environmental E Magazine, The environment news and info....
Environmental Expert - Environmental Business Information Center
Environmental Media Services (Source Watch)
Environmental News and Humor Grist Magazine
Environmental News Network
Environmental Technology Exchange (APEC) - Japan
Environmental Sciences Journals (Genamics)
Environment News Service
Ethical Investor Weekly industry newsletter - Australia
Genetic Engineering and Its Dangers
Global Reporting Initiative
Global Warming Articles
Green Cross International - Mikhail Garbachev President
Green Futures Magazine - UK
Greenleaf Publishing, resources on business and sustainable dev.
Home Energy Magazine Online
Home Power Magazine
Industrial Environmental Information Management (SPINE) - Sweden
Information for Action
Information Cooperative Partners (IESIN)
Institute for Global Communications
Internetwork for Sustainability (iNS)
Journal of Sustainable Product Design on Line
Latest Braking News from around the World
Linkages - A Multimedia Resource for Environment & Development
Living on Earth Sound Journalism for the Whole Planet
LOHAS Journal Online
Multi-Science Publishing Company - UK
National Geographic Online
National Geographic EarthPulse - Conservation Home Page
Nautilus - Reports on environmental issues
New Society Publishers - Tools for a world of change
NextStep - Minnesota Sustainable Communities Network News Network
People & Planet - population and environment issues
Resurgence on-line, forum for ecological and spiritual thinking
Sustainable Development Solutions Network - France USA
Sustainable Living Magazine - Canada
The CEROI Gateway for Environmental Information
The Global Environment Information Centre- Japan
The info Xchange, Technology for Social Justice - Australia
The International Corporate Sustainability Reporting
The International Photovoltaic Magazine (PHOTON)
The Spirit of Ma'at - Mother Earth and her Environment
TIME Online Edition
Towards Sustainability Info Centre
Urban Ecology Magazine - California
World Environment News (Planet Ark)
Worldwatch Institute
WWF International Newsroom
Your Planet Needs You

15 - Indigenous, Native, Aboriginal
Message from Mother Earth  
Ainu, First People of Japan, The First Japanese (You Tube)
Aboriginal Connections - Web Directory
Aboriginal Languages of Australia
Aboriginal Links International
Aboriginal Mapping Network & Ecotrust - Canada
Alaska Native Knowledge Network
An Important Message from the Kogi Elders by Raymond Rugland
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Center for World Indigenous Studies
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources - Canada
Dogon Theory of Creation
First Nations House University of Toronto
Hopi Blue Star Prophecies
Indigenous Environmental Network
Indigenous Knowledge for the Environment - Australia
Indigenous links Saami....
Indigenous Music and Dance
Indigenous Peoples' Center for Documentation, Research & Info.
Indigenous People's Council on Biocolonialism
Indigenous Peoples World Directory - New Zealand
Indigenous Peoples' Seattle Declaration
Indigenous Studies and Resources WWW Virtual Library
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
Kogi - Tairona Heritage Trust
Main Maori Site on the Net
Maori Sources and Resources - He Kete Matauranga
Maya STORIES - Legends with hidden politics
Native American Geometry
Native Americans and the Environment
Native Peoples Law Worldwide Legal Directories
NativeWeb - Resources for Indigenous Cultures around the World
New Zealand History - an attempt to answer some of the mysteries
Restoration -- Reaching the Hopi and America's Oldest
Sacred Earth Network
The Hopi Tribe - USA
The Kogi Tribe, Indigenous People in Amazon
The Maya Astronomy
The Maya Calendar - Maya World Studies Center
The Navajo Nation - USA
The Pachamama Alliance
Waitaha Nation of Peace
Wolakota Foundation
World Conference Against Racism
World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples
World's Indigenous Peoples

16 - Foundations, Organisations, Societies, NGOs
Our wonderful World  
Aga Khan Foundation - Development Network
Air & Waste Management Association ( A&WMA ) - USA
Amnesty International - Working To Protect Human Rights
Anthroposophical Society
Australian Conservation Foundation
AWARE Foundation - Aquatic World Awareness
Banksia Environmental Foundation - Australia
Belize, Caribbean Audubon Society, tropical birds
Bioneers- Visionary and Practical Solutions for Restoring the Earth
Blue Planet Network Foundation
Care International
Sustainable Development Network - Philippines
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) - India
Choike: Southern Civil Societies (Southern NGO Portal) - USA
City & Shelter - Belgium
Coalition of Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES)
Community Aid Abroad Programs Around the World
Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) - USA
Conservation Volunteers Australia
Cottonwood Foundation - Protecting the Environment
Cousteau Society
Cyprus Conservation Foundation
David Suzuki Foundation
Development Alternatives Group - India
Doctors Without Borders-Médecins Sans Frontières
Earth Charter Australia Pacific
Earth Council Alliance (ECA)
Earth Island Institute Innovative Action for the Environment
EarthRights International
Earth Summit Info
Earthwatch Institute
ECOLOGIA ECOlogists Linked for Organizing Grassroots Initiatives..
ECO-PROS - Ecology Protectors Society
ECO2TERRA International - survival & freedom for people & nature
EcoVitality - Integrating Conservation & Sus. Dev. in Poor Nations
Environic Foundation International
Environmental Database - India
Environmental Defense Fund - Finding the ways that work
Environmental Defence Society - New Zealand
Environmental Development Action in the Third World (in French)
Environmental Research Foundation
Environment Victoria - Australia
Evergreen: Bringing communities and nature together - Canada
Foundation for Business and Society (InSpire Group)
Foundation for the Future
Foundation for Global Community
Friends of the Earth - Australia
Friends of the Earth International
Global Environment & Technology Foundation
Golden Age Foundation
Goongerah Environment Centre - Australia
Green Cross International - Mikhail Gorbachev President
Green Innovations - Australia
Green Ontario - Canada
Greenpeace International
Guide to NGOs in Pakistan
Handpumps and water well drilling training for safe drinking water
Idealist Home Organizations Search
Information Cooperative Partners (CIESIN)
International Alliance of Inhabitants
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
International Fund for China's Environment
International Institute for Environment and Development
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
International Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD)
International Marinelife Alliance
International Rivers Network
International Society for Ecology and Culture
International Society for Environmental Ethics
International Student Org. for Sustainable Economics and Manag.
International Vegetarian Union
ISO 14000, Environmental Management Systems and Sustainability
ISO World - English Version - Japan
Landcare Australia
Meru Foundation
National Environmental Trust - USA
Nature Conservation Council of NSW - Australia
Nelson Environment Centre - New Zealand
NGO Steering Committee to the United Nations
Non-Profit Groups Links
Ocean Trust - Save the Oceans
OneWorld - Over 1250 organisations working for Social Justice
Our World Foundation - UK
Oxfam Community Aid Abroad
Panos Institute - London
Programa Ambiental A Última Arca de Noé - Brasil
Regional Institute of Environmental Technology (RIET)
Resource Renewal Institute (RRI)
Resources for the Future - USA Global Environmental Resources - USA
Rocky Mountain Institute - USA
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Sierra Club - Environmental Organization
Sustainability Victoria - Australia
Sustainable Development Earth Day Network
Sustainable Development Network Foundation - Philippines
Sustainable Development Network (ESDN) - Europe
Sustainable Ecosystems Institute - USA
Sustainable Living Foundation - Australia
Sustainable Long Island - USA
Sustainable Niagara - Canada
The Earth Charter Initiative
The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability - Ireland
The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation
The Green Institute - USA
The HOPE Foundation - Ireland
The International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development
The International Solar Energy Society
The Millennium Foundation of Canada
The Nobel Foundation - Sweden
The Quaker Foundation
The Tiger Foundation
The Wilderness Society - Australia
The Wilderness Society - International
The Wildlife Society - Stewardship Through Science & Education
The World Conservation Union (IUCN)
Tides Foundation Website
United Nations Association of Australia
Whole Systems Foundation
Wild Bird Society of Japan
WITNESS Human Rights Alert
World Environmental Organization - World.Org
World Environment Center
World Future Society
World Resources Institute
World Wildlife Fund for a living planet
WWF - Australia
WWF - Global Network

17 - Government, Public Institutions, UN Agencies
The best Speech - Severn Suzuki  
Agenda 21 > Country Profile - Bangladesh
Agenda 21 > Country Profile - Indonesia
Agenda 21 > Country Profile - Viet Nam
Asia Alternative Energy Program (ASTAE)
Asian Development Bank
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Australia Vietnam Science - Technology Link
Best Practices for Human Settlements Database (UNCHS Habitat)
Best Practices and Local Leadership Programme
Center for Environmentally Sound Technology Transfer - China
Community Research & Development Information Service - Europe
Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
Cuba's Green Revolution Achieving Sustainability
Directory of Development Organizations
Ecologically Sustainable Development - Australia
Environmental Agencies-Organizations (CGRER) NetSurfing
Environmental Protection Agency - Ireland
Environment Agency of England and Wales
Environment Germany Umwelt Deutschland
Environment Portal - Australian Government Services
Environment Protection Authority, Victoria, Australia
EUROPA - Gateway to the European Union
European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC)
 European Sustainable Cities Platform
European Commission Environment
European Community Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism
European Environment Agency (EEA)
European Partners for the Environment
FAO SD - Sustainable Development Goals
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Geneva Environment Network - International Environment House
Global Environment Centre Foundation - Japan
Global Environment Facility
Global Environmental Technology (NEDO) - Japan
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC UNESCO)
Intergovernmental Organizations - International Seed Federation
International Union for Conservation of Nature
Island Development and Networks (Insula)
ISO International Organization for Standardization
International Environment House
International Institute for Environment and Development
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research - India
Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) - Oceania
Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) - USA
Ministry for the Environment - New Zealand
Ministry of the Environment Catalonia - Spain
Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India
Ministry of the Environment - Japan
Ministry of Environment - Singapore
National Business Initiative - South Africa
National Councils for Sustainable Development - Philippines
NextStep, Minnesota Sustainable Communities Network - USA
Other Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO's Links)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Pakistan Development Gateway and Sustainable Development
Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency
Environment and Climate Change - Canada
Public-Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment (UNDP/PPPUE)
San Francisco the Sustainable City
Seacare Seaferers Safety - Australia
State Environment Protection Administration of China
Sustainable Development and Eurointegration (ASDE)
Sustainable Human Development (UNDP)
Sustainable Melbourne - Australia
The Central European Environmental Data Request Facility (CEDAR)
The European Federation of Green Parties
The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
The Montreal Process, Sustainable Management of... Forests
The Ozone Secretariat (UNEP)
The European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
The World Bank Group
UN-Habitat - United Nations Human Settlements Programme
UN Environment Program - Asia and Pacific
UN Environment Program GEO-2000
UNEP-GRID-Arendal - UN Environment Programme
UNESCO - Home Page
UN-HABITAT - The Sustainable Cities Programme (SCP)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Division for Sustainable Development
United Nations Environment Network (Infotera)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
WHO - Regional Office for Europe
World Food Programme - UN
Yearbook of International Co-operation on Environment and Dev. 2

18 - Justice, Environmental Law, Treaties
Environmental Justice  
Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL)
Center For International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Earth Charter Declaration of Fundamental Principles - Australia
Earthjustice: Environmental Law
Environmental Law Guide - USA / International
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (E-LAW)
Environmental Law Bora Laskin Law Library - Canada
Environmental Law Centre - Canada
Environmental Law Centre - UK
Environmental Law - Directory Online Resources - USA
Environmental Law Information Gateway (ECOLEX)
Environmental Law Links
Environmental Law Portal - Netherlands
Environmental Law Programme (Sierra Club)
Environmental Lawyers - USA
Environmental Treaties: International Environmental Agreements (IEA)
Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) - USA
European Environmental Law
FindLaw Legal Subjects Environmental Law
International Environmental Transnational Law (Globelaw)
International Environmental Law Resource - USA
International Environmental Law Treaties and Documents
International Law Links
Pace Environmental Law Program - USA
The Center for International Environmental Law
The Environmental Defender's Offices of Australia
The Environmental Law Institute (ELI) - USA
Treaties and International Law - Internet Law Library

19 - Earth Changes, Greenhouse Emissions, Reporting
Acoustic Ecology - EarthEar
Carbon Calculator from National Energy Foundation - UK
Carbon Dioxide Calculator - Japan
Climate Action Network (CAN)
Climate Ark - Climate Change & Renewable Energy Portal
Climate Change IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Climate Change - The Pembina Institute - Canada
Climate Change Saskatchewan - Canada
Complying with the Kyoto Protocol Requirements Eastern Europe
CorpWatch.Org Holding Corporations Accountable
CO2 Reduction Calculator - International
CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research - Australia
Disaster Alert Network (ubAlert)
Earth Science Resources Astronomy, Global Change
E3 INTERNATIONAL, Reporting and Accounting- Australia
Fraunhofer Society, Institut Chemical Technology - Germany
GEO Data Portal - The Online Environmental Database (UNEP) Portal to exploring Earth & its environment
Global Change Master Directory (NASA)
Global Climate Change Research Explorer
Global Hydrology and Climate Center
Global Warming: Early Warning Signs
Greenhouse Emissions GHG Protocol Initiative
Green Facts - Scientific Facts on Climate Change & Global Warming
Heat Island Effect > Learning About Urban Heat Islands
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (WMO & UNEP)
International Carbon Bank & Exchange
KYOTO PROTOCOL - Convention on Climate Change
Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Natural Hazards Databases at (NGDC)
Pew Center on Global Climate Change
Science for Global Insight IIASA - Austria
The Canadian Arctic Resources Committee
The Sustainability Report - Canada
The International Corporate Environmental Reporting Site
Weather Centre - Climate Change - Greenhouse Effect BBC
Zero Emission Resource Organisation (ZERO) - Norway

20 - Recycling, Waste, Toxic Materials, Pollution
Great Pacific Garbage Patch  
Air Quality Archive- UK
Basel Convention on Hazardous Waste
Bureau of International Recycling
California Center for Land Recycling
Centrifuge Case Studies Recycling Waste Water - USA
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology - UK
Cumbria Waste Management Environment Trust - UK
DeponieOnline LandfillOnline - Germany
Dioxin Homepage
Eco-Industrial Park Case Studies - USA / Canada
Europe's Recycling Marketplace
Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance (GAIA)
Global Environment Outlook United Nations Environment Prog.
Global Environment Outreach Centre - Japan
Great Recycling Links for Kids - USA
Guide to water pollution - UK
Hazardous Waste Safe Disposal and Recycling - UK
Industrial Pollution Modeling & Data (NIPR IPPS) - World Bank
Linking Sustainable Community Activities to Pollution Prevention
Nuclear Waste Task Force (Sierra Club)
Pollution Probe - Clean Air Clean Water - Canada
Recycler's World - Associations Directory
Recycler's World - Worldwide Trading
Recycling Links for Parents, Teachers, Students & Kids
Recycling Links (
Scorecard - Environmental Defense - USA
Solvent Alternative Guide (SAGE) - USA
Stack Testing, Source Emissions Testing, Air Quality Monitoring USA
Suggested Recycling Links
Sustainable Urban Water Management - Sweden
The Search for Safer and Greener Chemical Solvents
Toxic Waste Collection and Recycling - UK
Toxic Waste Disposal (EDCO) - California
Wales Community Recycling Network
Waste Lands: The Threat Of Toxic Fertilizer
Waste Management & Recycling = Global Recycling Network
Waste Plan Niagara-Hamilton - Canada
Waste Watch on the world wide web
Waste water recycling - India
Water Recycling cleaning water the way nature does - USA
Zero Waste New Zealand Trust - Recycling, minimise waste...

21 - Space, Astrophysics, Mysterious Universe
Jurney through the Universe  
Aeroplane capable of flying at 7000 miles per hour YouTube
Aurora Gallery Images
Center for Backyard Astrophysics
Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI)
Discovery Cannel
Dwarf Planet Eris (Views of the Solar System)
Earth and Moon Viewer
Earth Science Resources Astronomy, Global Change
Earth and Space Foundation - Environmentalism
Earthshots Satellite Images of Environmental Change
Einstein's Quotes on The Universe, Life...
EOS Solstice Project Earth Observing System
Eris (dwarf planet) Wikipedia Portal to exploring Earth & its environment
Hubble Space Telescope Pictures
Moon View from Earth
Mysterious Universe
NASA's Global Change Master Directory
New Planet - The discovery of Eris
Our Mysterious Universe
PlanetDiary (Earth's Journal)
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids
Satellite Composite Images - USA
Search for Extraterrestrial Inteligence - SETI Institute Online
Solar System Exploration Interactive (NASA)
Solar System Live
Solar System Simulator
SpaceWeather - News and information about meteor showers...
The Aurora Borealis - Northern Lights
The Maya Astronomy
The Millennium Group - THE REPOSITORY
The Nine Planets - A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System
Virtual Solar System @
WebStars Astrophysics in Cyberspace
Windows to the Universe
Your Sky - the interactive planetarium of the Web

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